When Ruh Ungodly Out Of Body

Imam Ghazali gives an overview of the condition of those who rebelled when the pressure of death. As described in the Ad-Darratul Al-Fakhirah Fil Kasf Ulumil Akhirah. Seconds that the death of the ungodly, his life will be lifted to cruel and forced. When it reached his face look like someone who ate fruit Hanzal. And the angel said to him: "O come out of bad lives dirty body!" Suddenly there came a piteous moan like braying Kimar. This is because Azrael has pull with the angel who appeared Zabaniah himself with a very bad way and the terrible, black, smelly and disgusting. There in the middle twist, past the hair. Inserted into the loops of her hair, and will turn into human form in accordance with the size of the net at least actions charity. . As mentioned in Sahih Muslim, narrated from Abu Hurairah ra as follows (in the teeth of hell for unbelievers a mountain of Uhud, and the skin is thick as three-day trip)
Furthermore, the angels continue to bring life apart from this infidel, rose to the surface of the sky world. and Al-Amin (Gabriel) knocked on the door and asked again: "Who are you? and he replied: "I am Gabriel". To be asked again: "Who came with you? He replied Sifulan bin Sifulan, ugly, ugly name and all that is most disliked the world. Then say to him, there is no mention and welcome "the gates of heaven were opened there was nothing for him, let us refer to the Word of God:

May it never be opened for them the gates of heaven, and not (too) they go to heaven, until the camel into the eye of a needle. Thus we recompense the evil doers. (Q.S.Al-A 'Raf: 40)

Hearing these words, Al-Amin (Gabriel) immediately threw the spirit of people who have in hand, and the spirit was drifting in the wind fell very far away place, let us reflect on the Word of Allah SWT.

He who ascribe things to God it is as if falling from the sky and struck by birds or the wind far place. (Q. S. Al-Hajj: 31)

How insult her what had happened to the rebellious spirit (unbelievers) when it comes to earth, he was immediately bullied by the angel Zabaniah and dragged in prison. Big stone into a residence for the souls of the ungodly. Thus, as it is also mentioned in the book Dapail Akbar.

1. On the condition of the soul after leaving the body
a. Jews and Christians
Regarding their souls when they refused to dikursi and returned them to grave each.
b. People who are still monopoly shari'ah "religion"
They still can see his body is washed and buried.
c. People who polytheists
So the spirit they can not be seen at all because they have fallen spirits and carried by the wind while the souls of the hypocrites is like the second group is rejected and returned to her grave.
d. Believers who regular careless and underestimated, shari'ah religion.
So they kind of varied. Among them was rejected because of his prayer when he did he melobangi and find that prayer, prayer that conditions such as folds of fabric to be worn. Then cast kewajahnya.
There was also rejected because he tithe Zakah for the purpose just want to say as an expert, or maybe he alms charity aimed specifically at women, to attract love and perhatianya. Among them were rejected fast, because he was fasting only from food and drink, while he had never spoken to fast, he has done disobedience and losses while after ramadan end he could not improve some of them rejected Hajj, because she was on pilgrimage as merely Sifulan have said that the pilgrimage, or haj with his property that is not clean. Among them were rejected because of kedurhakaannya parents, and l; ain so on.
And we need to know that the longing for God that lies in the longing Mother-Father. As in the hadith which Muslim and Judge Reported.

"The longing for God that lies in the desire both mother-father and the wrath of God is located on the wrath of both mother-father did". (H. B. Muslim, Justice with Muslim Shari'a)

Therefore we are not justified to be rude or disobedience to them, because both our parents have trouble giving birth and raising contains us. therefore we must apply manners of our parents and other relatives so on. Sesusai with the Word of God in surah Al-Luqman:

It means: "And we have enjoined on man (do good) to my mother's father has been contained in a weak state that grew weak and weaning in two years, thanks to the two people and your father's mother, only to all of you're back" (Surah Luqman: 14 )

So every child can not hurt his mother's father, either by word or deed, either directly or indirectly, even in the Qur'an it is mentioned that a child should not say "ah".

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