Definition of Instructional Media

The word media comes from the Latin "medius" which means "middle". In general, all forms of media is the intermediary for the spread, carry or convey something to the recipient of messages and ideas. Teaching media can be broadly defined as follows: "Any person, materials, equipment or events that establish the condition of the students acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes (Achsin, 1986). In this sense, teachers, books, computers, image and environment is the media.
According berlach and Ely (1971) suggested that the media in the learning process tends to mean the tools graphic, photographic or in electronically to capture, process and reconstruct the visual or verbal information.
Heinich, et al 1985 Learning Media is media that carry messages or information contained bertuajuan learning or teaching purposes.
Media Martin and Briggs in 1986 revealed that the instructional media includes all resources necessary to communicate with the learner. This can include hardware and software used on the hardware.
According to H. 1994 Malik instructional media is anything that can be used to transmit messages (study materials), so that it can stimulate perfatian, interests, thoughts and feelings in the learning and learning activities to achieve certain learning goals.
Historically, the first time the media called a visual teaching-education (teaching aids of view), then became an audio-visual aids (teaching materials), further developed into an audio-visual communication (communication of view heard), and subsequently transformed into educational tecnology (educational technology ) or teaching technology (Arsyad, 2004)
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